Physio on the Run Clinic at Alder Medical
Located at 277 Evergreen Road, Campbell River, in the upper floor (wheelchair accessible). We provide clinic based Physiotherapy and Kinesiology. We accept most third party health insurance for direct billing. We are not contracted by WSBC for clinic therapy, but you can submit your receipts to your adjustor for reimbursement.
Physiotherapy Home Visits
In home physiotherapy; assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of orthopedic, neurological and cardiovascular conditions. We provide hands on Physiotherapy, and complex care plan leaders who mentor and guide experienced and professional staff. In our assessment if we find that you would recover with more affordable option, we guide whoever will deliver the support, including our team, home care, friends, or family. We direct bill most 3rd party health insurance. ICBC and WorkSafe require pre-approval for home visit Physiotherapy. Please call to book a home visit.
Remote Physiotherapy Clinics
Providing clinic Physiotherapy in remote communities of the North Island, including Gold River, Sayward, Quadra, Tahsis, and Cortes Island.
Long Term Care
Long term care visits for direct care physiotherapy, exercise support, care plan consulting, seating assessments, mobility assessment, OHL training, safe patient handling, basic seating, complex, rehabilitative, maintenance and end of life care.
Inpatient Rehabilitation
In hospital private physiotherapy, training and rehab for returning home, home safety assessments, equipment assessments and procurement.
BC Rebate of Housing Adaptations for Independent Living (RAHA)
In home assessments for RAHA grant applications
We provide consulting services to organizations, schools, health facilities, and other workplaces to support businesses, teams, individuals, and systems. We are able to provide useful and actionable recommendations relating to wellness, safety, accessibility, physical efficiency, inclusion, participation, physical activity program development, safe patient handling, mobility equipment, assessment and care plan development for individuals across the spectrum of age and impairment.
Please contact us for more details
Please contact us for more details